Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Behind Closed Doors with Keisha

Dear Sultry Soiree:

I never thought would do a photo shoot. It was something that I have always dreamed of doing, but didn't see the opportunity in my near future.  So there I was... in a beautiful location, makeup done, lingerie and stilettos ready.  All that was missing was my imagination.  I must admit that at first, I was a bit nervous, and shy all at the same time.  I was uncertain as to what to expect, and what the outcome would be. I must say that I was truly impressed.

It's amazing what the camera captures, and the way the camera made me feel. During the photo shoot, I felt one with myself.  I expressed myself in so many ways that I didnt know existed.  Behind closed doors, in front of the camera..I could be myself and nothing else mattered.  I explored so many different emotions, one after another.  I felt blissful, beautiful, blessed, excited, sexy, creative, comfortable, and exquisite all at once.  It was the most fun I've ever had. It's something I could get used to.

After seeing the results of my photo shoot, I fell in love with myself all over again.  I'm not conceited, but damn I love the skin Im in...everyone should!  I would like to thank the wonderful trio that made this day a memorable event for me.  Angel, Marlene, and Ola, these women are very professional, intelligent, and oh so heart-warming. They made me feel so comfortable, and helped me to find my inner beauty.  Thanks again ladies....


Behind Closed Doors With Belinda

A Note from Belinda:

I have always wanted to do a boudoir photo shoot, more for my husband than myself.  However, once we moved to Columbus and I began to pack on the pounds, the idea of boudoir photos became a thought of the past. Last year I started my journey to “finding Belinda again”.  As my journey to self-discovery began, I started shedding the weight and feeling more confident in my own skin again. During this time my husband was deployed overseas.  He asked that I send some sexy pictures of myself, so I started entertaining the thought of boudoir photos once again.  Fortunately, during this time I met Angel who was already in the process of setting up boudoir photo session for Valentine’s Day!  I was more than eager to participate.  As the day fast approached I realized I was taking the photos for myself, but they would be a surprise Valentine’s Day Gift to my husband.  When I first arrived at the Gates House Bed and Breakfast I was extremely nervous.  However, Angel, Marlene and Ola made me feel very, very comfortable and at ease.  As Ola began to apply my makeup I started to reminisce and share with her how much my husband means to me and how much I truly, truly love him. He has shown me with very little words, but a whole lot of action what “true unconditional love” really is.  Once Ola finished my makeup, it was time for action and I was truly ready. I was ready to display all the love and affection I have for my husband through the lens of Marlene Hawthorne Thomas.
The picture I feel best demonstrates this love is the picture of me with my husband’s favorite guitar.  Marlene only had to suggest that I hold the guitar as though it was my husband and the feelings came very naturally.  When I presented my husband’s Valentine’s Day Gift to him, he was truly surprised.  I could tell he appreciated them more than I ever could have expected or dreamed he would.  My husband definitely understood the boudoir photos represented more than just photos, or my love for him, it was a big step to me getting back to being Belinda. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share my experience with other women.  I hope that it will encourage women, no matter their size to be confident and do what makes them happy.  Sometimes as wives, mothers etc we forget about ourselves. When I look back on that day I stepped into the Gates House Bed and Breakfast, I smile.  That day represented so much more than just a photo session to me.  It represented a love displayed (for my husband) and a love rekindled (for myself). I thank Angel, Marlene and Ola for helping bring my Alter Ego to photo, but more importantly I thank God for sending my husband to share this journey called life with me.  I am truly, truly grateful!       ❤Belinda

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Behind Closed Doors with Tamara

When the opportunity to do a Boudoir photo shoot arose I was really excited!  I'd never done anything like that in my life, as the day approached I became a little apprehensive, but I couldn't pass up the chance. The day of the shoot I was still nervous because I didn't know what to expect.  Once I arrived to the location and had a chance to talk with the photographer and Angel, I began to calm down a little bit.  The makeup artist did an excellent job!  I almost didn't recognize myself when she was finished.  The photographer was extremely professional and made me feel comfortable during the shoot, her encouraging words helped relax me during poses.  The environment was relaxed and that made the shoot so easy.  I have to say that the photographer, Marlene did an excellent job.  The pictures are great!  I love them!

The photos were for my husband and myself.  The shoot was a week before Valentine's Day, but the photos were not a Valentine's Day gift.  They were for my husband, because that I wanted him to see the sexy/glam side of me.  We have children, so that side isn't allowed to come out often.  I wanted him to know that he is the one the sexy side craves.  I'm glad I had the opportunity to let her out. . .for him.
The photos were for me, because it was "freeing" experience.  I'm a plus size woman, and I normally keep my body covered up.  The photo shoot allowed me to uncover and let the sexy side of me come out.  She loved being out! 
I want to thank Angel, Ola, and Marlene for a memorable experience!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Behind Closed Doors with Harley

It seems like this day had been living in my head forever!  I searched and searched for the perfect person to capture me on film.  After almost 10 years, I am grateful to team up with the talented Marlene Hawthrone Thomas!  Believe it or not I was extremely nervous about my big day in front of the lens.  Once I met Marlene and had a complete make over by the lovely, Miss Ola, all my fears washed away!  I was truly able to practice what I preach each day!  Here are the results!

This bed is so beautiful, it truly made me feel luxurious!

I love how the light made this room look elegant and bright!

Sexy is truly a state of mind!  I would do it again, I have so much respect for who I am, and these images truly made me feel confident with my body!

Mua!  Thanks Marlene my wonderful Photographer!  Thanks to Miss Ola, our most fabulous makeup artist!   To the Gate's House Bed & Breakfast,  there is no venue that carries romance in such a lavish way!  Thank you for having us!